Submitting a model

Modelpy is a modern python framework for agent based models.

If you intend to submit a model, your file should meet the following requirements:

  • Only imports standard library packages, or one of
    {modelpy_abm, numpy, networkx}
  • Defines an initial data generator function.
  • Defines a timestep data generator function.
  • Defines a function "constructModel", with that exact name.
  • The "constructModel" function returns an instance of the AgentModel class with the timestep and initial_data functions set accordingly, and with the desired initial parameters.

Here is an example:

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import random
from modelpy_abm.main import AgentModel
import jsonpickle

def generateInitialData(model: AgentModel):
    initial_data = {"wealth": 1}
    return initial_data

def generateTimestepData(model: AgentModel):
    graph = model.get_graph()

    for _node, node_data in graph.nodes(data=True):
        if node_data["wealth"] > 0:
            other_agent = random.choice(list(graph.nodes.keys()))
            if other_agent is not None:
                graph.nodes[other_agent]["wealth"] += 1
                node_data["wealth"] -= 1


def constructModel() -> AgentModel:
    model = AgentModel()
    model.update_parameters({"num_nodes": 3})
    return model